Hello, my name is Oscar, I’m a male European Eagle Owl and I hatched on 28th March 2008. My Latin name is Bubo Bubo.
I’m the largest of the world’s owls. My species live for more than 60 years in captivity. In the wild the maximum is around 20 years.
I can be found in mainland Europe, my natural habitat is mountainous forested areas, rocky slopes and semi-deserts.
Like most owls I have a slow gliding flight, and I catch my prey with my very large powerful feet.
My ear tuffs aren’t my ears, I use these feathered tuffs to blend into my surroundings, this is called camouflage. I bet you’d never see me if I were perched on a branch.
I can catch rabbits, hares and foxes, and a female of my species can catch a roe deer!
I eat day old chicks, rats, mice, quail, rabbit, venison and gerbils. I’m particularly fond of duck necks.